starseed classes

Are starseed classes right for you?


Are you a starseed or a lightworker?

Do you struggle with your physical body?

Are you highly sensitive, intuitive, or empathic?

Do you feel homesick for a place you can’t remember?

Do you feel like an outsider? Like you never really fit in?

Do you feel lost, stuck, and exhausted by the whole human experience?

Do you feel like you’re here on a mission, but you don’t know what “it” is?

If you said “yes” to any of these, then I have the perfect starseed class for you.

All the details are below!

Classes for Lightworkers & Starseeds

Heart shaped crystal used in starseed classes

Starseed Classes

This 1:1 activation program is for starseeds who want to unlock their multi-dimensional abilities so that they can discover their starseed origin and re-connect with their star family and guides. Starseed classes will help you balance your sensitive body, open your unique starseed gifts, and align with your soul mission.   Click here for full details!

Buddha statue sitting in grass with orange hibiscus flowers

The Spiritual Black Belt Program™

This advanced program is for lightworkers who want the highest level of spiritual training available. This class is for people who have a robust spiritual practice in place and are ready to do the truly deep work to shift their consciousness. Chock full of advanced ascension tools, this program will help you become an absolute MASTER of your frequency and vibration. Click here to learn more.

Customized Starseed Classes


Don’t see what you’re looking for?

I can design a customized 1:1 program just for you. Every starseed is unique and has his or her own special gifts, soul mission, and divine purpose.

Let’s work together to create a program that is specially tailored to you.

Click the “Contact” link at the top of the page to schedule a free chat about creating your own special program.

Client Love

“Working with Peyton has been an absolute blessing. I was taught relevant tools that were based off my personal spiritual journey which made the program feel customized rather than a one-size-fits-all type of model. While our guides paced the entirety of the course, Peyton was a wonderful conduit for relaying pertinent messages and imparting important techniques for advancing my spiritual development. Nothing is more assuring than being in a safe and judgment-free space with someone who came from a very logical and analytical background and has embraced her metaphysical gifts. This program mastered the balance of combining stable and applicable energy practices with real results.”

Andrea C. | Executive Director

“From the moment I met Peyton, there was a soothing way about her that allowed me to open up immediately to her. For the last three years, I have been seeking her spiritual guidance and energy healings. Her ability to see clearly, whether it be messages from her guides or energy blockages, is unsurpassed. Her broad knowledge and abilities have allowed me to come to her with any and all questions and concerns that I have. I always feel enormously better, clear, and confident after a session with her. And I love that she always makes time for me. Peyton is my go-to girl and has become my trusted confidant in this journey of life and spirit.”


Corey D. | Celebrity Makeup Artist

Star Treatment


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